How to deal with wiper blade when hearing noise


There are four points to analysis:


Dirty Glass:

Dirty glass is by far the most common cause of squeaky windshield wipers. Small particles of dirt, sand or road salt sprinkled across the glass can cause friction when the wipers pass over, leading to the unwanted squeaking.


Dirty Blades:

While dirt and debris often build up on the windshield, wiper blades can collect it, too. If you’ve cleaned your windshield and the squeaking is still happening, lift your wipers and examine the rubber squeegees closely. If you notice a buildup of dirt, wash them thoroughly. Use a toothbrush to remove dirt from all the nooks and crannies along the blade.


Old wiper skeleton aging:

If your wiper blades and windshield are perfectly clean but squeaking persists, there may be a structural issue with the wipers.


Wiper rubber aging:

Even if nothing’s wrong with your car wiper blades, they’ll probably squeak if you use them on a dry windshield.


Replace the wiper blade at points 3 and 4.


 wiper blade replacement

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